
November 4, 2012

想 幸福


那一天和几个友人在一对夫妇家庆祝中秋节,她说了一句那么简单却深沉无比的话。“有男朋友吗?” “没有。” “也对,有的话哪还会跟我们一起。” 总是会有些时候,也希望自己像其他人一样拥有简单的幸福。看着许多朋友,尽管是排除万难终于握紧了彼此的手,还是已经握紧的手随着时间而握的更紧了一些。即使可能曾经也不看好的,到头来看着他们幸福,能做的也只有默默祝福。 只是常常总在想,那么不可能的他们都可以勇敢的握起了对方,拥有那么多可能的我们为何却?


我 只不过是个想幸福的人。

September 20, 2012

Life Is Pretty Simple

Wednesday is a long day for this semester. It is but another pretty day. You see, it really depends on how you choose to see it. I had been losing track of keeping a positive attitude towards these daily routines which keep going in the little cycle. But it was a little different today. I find myself looking into the details of this beautiful life, contemplating on the past, present, and future, and putting the best curve that sets everything straight on my face. It's one of those days that things just seem perfectly perfect, despite of being a little busy and all packed with the tight schedule.

This morning, I saw rainbow on the splashing water of the fountain and I thought how awesome is our God. It's probably due to the reflection of sunlight on the water, one of those physics theorem. I am still trying hard to grow some sort of interest in physics, for that matter. I realized how I have been building my own perspective towards some issues or people. Until I find out intuitive perspective is not always true. Talking to a new friend, learning some of the things I have never heard of could be really intriguing. Doing a Mathematics quiz with the question goes "compute 1 + 1" because the lecturer was not too happy with the huge amount of absentees in class, I found myself smiling, one of those sincere smiles after a while. Life is pretty simple, no? And a lecturer can be really cute, sometime.

A simple dinner after a really long day could be a bliss. Far more important, a dinner with pretty awesome people and the odds of fortune cookies tickling us in an amazing way. Hooked myself up completing some homework, whatsapping with a friend, talking on phone with mom and dad, catching up a little with television series.. and you thought that's all? Nah I was pumped. Hit the gym, hence. At 12am midnight. I find myself falling in love with jogging on the treadmill, gradually. It was the time when I feel myself totally indulged with the music and had my mind lost thinking, reminiscing all kind of beauty that lies in the details while jogging unceasingly. Stepped out of gym, I unconsciously held my head up and looked onto the sky. The sky was amazingly pretty, full of twinkling stars. So much memories. But this time, I find myself smiling, again. I am glad that we made the right decision on that starry night. It was a smile of relief. It was a smile of knowing coherently that we had all those good times, and that's what really matter. 

Today was just a pretty day.

September 1, 2012









July 12, 2012

简单 生活





我想,我好爱 简单 生活。

-苏打绿 简单生活

June 26, 2012










April 16, 2012


After hiatus.

Time heals many things and what it cannot heal it at least makes clearer. You ponder upon how much sense that makes. I think I am still a huge fans of this saying goes, time makes everything better.

The real forgiveness is when you finally decide to break these chains binding you off and you finally understand that love is no more the shallow cognition your mind could comprehend. Love is a decision, an action which leads to unending joy which you would have never imagined of. 

Easter Sunday has always been one of my favorite festive days throughout the year. It is a day of joy, a day of love, a day of hope. Featuring the first time celebrating this lovely day in the States, I am deeply moved by His sacrificial love and His almighty power of resurrection, just the way I did every other year. God is so good, anytime, anywhere!

He has the best plan in store for you and me. He has so much for you to learn even through a really minor daily life happening. I was angry. Not the madness over the matter itself, but the fact of this being who wouldn't ever learn to be tolerant while he himself has been tolerated so much really irritated my some sensitive nerves. I had so much urge to burst all these emotions out and do the all same things they had ever done and I was pretty sure I could do worse than those. The next moment, I cried out to the Lord. Literally, cry. The indescribable comfort warmth pampered through my heart. And He led me to this verse,

Do not say, "I'll do to them as they have done to me; I'll pay them back for what they did." -Proverbs 24:29.

The verse totally struck my mind. Amazing, no? When the world and all the people say you are wrong, you know that our Lord will prove you right. When all these people are giving in to the world, it really doesn't mean that you have to conform to the same thing as well. The Words had coherently said,

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -His good ,pleasing and perfect will. -Romans 12:2.

Seeing you do all those stupid things to destroy yourself, I am really sad. 

You know what. I am going home in THREE weeks time! Can you feel my excitement? Hee.

I think Imma curl my hair :]

Good night!

April 5, 2012


Maturity is merely experiencing all things before every one else. 

Smile. :)

March 21, 2012


I am tired. Really tired. Mentally. I can't take this. No more. 

One of another cruelty a person can do to herself is really the cowardliness to face the real self. She thought she will be fine without committing to that pathetic reality. Yes she looks extremely well in front of everyone. She looks deceivingly fine even in front of herself. She really has no gut to take off that little piece of mask which covers, which wraps everything up so nicely. She makes herself busy to avoid a disease called "over-thinking". She helps people to solve a lot of problems. But she never knows how to fix her own problem. So the only way to fix it is to avoid it. Keep avoiding it. To a point that she feels the problem is gone. To a point when the tote of silence has become the best disguise and everyone is extremely good with it.

So why break the tote? 


January 22, 2012

Don't you?

You know what. This thing of Chinese New Year away from home is literally killing each and everyone who couldn't get to go home during this lovely festive season. Chinese New Year away from home is definitely one of the most cruel, one of the saddest things that could have ever happened. And it happens. Oh boy.

When even listening to my mom telling what all the beautiful people are doing back at home, how shopping mall, supermarkets are fully occupied with people, how congested the traffic get, etc could be so sentimental that all I could do is to picture these scenes and to remember, recall myself being in those good old moments, just as they used to be in each and every other previous year. And when even browsing through all those Chinese New Year related statuses, posts, videos could be emotional that they so easily stimulate the tear gland to produce so much precious tear drops. 

I miss home. Don't we all do?

January 15, 2012



决定,今天一定要好好的写一点东西。三个星期的寒假华丽丽却同时非常感伤的结束了。要用一个字来概括整个假期的话,那将是感动。感动万分的同时,感恩。感谢神每一步一脚印的看顾带领,感谢神在生命中每一个安排都是如此特别,蕴含着每一个等待被揭开的意义。当我真真实实的身在纽约市中心,当我叹为观止的看着无比壮观的尼亚加拉大瀑布,当我内心澎湃的仰望着高高耸立的自由女神像,当我真真切切的穿梭在哈佛大学的校园,当我置身于迪斯尼乐园观赏着如此真实在我眼前上演的各种表演,相信我,好多次我真的不能自己的想要大哭一场。感动的氛围刺激着每一个神经线,一次一次的提醒着自己是多么的蒙福。曾经以为只能在梦想中上演的情节,如今就这么真切的发生在现实生活中。我知道自己是蒙受祝福的。我感恩。感谢爱我的耶稣基督。我赞美。称颂这位宇宙万物的主宰。 =)






