
December 23, 2010


You know, that kind of cognition which lies beneath details of life can be amazing. That kind of beautiful cognition comes to the surface gracefully when you see it sincerely, you wouldn't even need to peel it off purposely. Here's how the cognition came to my mind. It just happened and  I was certainly moved and stunned by how little details my mum bears, how she nurtures her kids with consideration of every bits of love, even when the kids have literally grow up, I mean, even when the kids are not more really little. But, in a mum's eyes, kid is always that little baby who she's not going to let go forever. 

My sister has always had a very serious allergy on seafood. So my mum would never add any seafood, for an instance, prawn into the dishes. Or sometime, there would be two version of dishes, one with the seafood and the another not. Somehow, routinely, virtually it had become an unspoken tradition. Somewhat, we, or basically, I had so gotten used to it that I barely remembered how the tradition was actually originated. And here it goes. My sister went to Kuching and it was the winter solstice day. And my mum was preparing for the dishes. She uttered something sounded like, "add the prawn into the mihun." And I was like, "err.." for seconds trying to figure out what's wrong. And the next second my mum said, "ah non(my sister) is not at home." You see it? She remembered every little things of us. And she doesn't really 'remembered', but is remembering every now and then. Thank you. <3

I attended a marriage dinner the other day. People really change with the growing of age, externally and most importantly, internally. The way you think, the way you view things. I used to get excited attending marriage functions when I am younger. You know, that kind of child-fun, eating, looking at the beautiful bride and groom, wearing pretty dresses, playing around with the almost-same-age-cousins. As the age grows, I still love that kind of warmth and joy attending the same kind of function, but it always comes along with very different kind of perspective and realization. Frequently I am moved when they're giving pieces of words to their parents, when they're simply hugging each other, hugging their parents, or when they're kissing each other. Every time I feel touched in a way or another and always, feel hard to hold back the falling tear.  

I am working as a promoter now. It ain't an easy job, really. Saying the same whole thing repeatedly for the (literally) entire day ain't as simple. But, dealing with different type of people throughout the day could be interesting. Yah. I am going to update about the working experience soon. 'til then, see ya. :)

One more day to Christmas! 

Yee-huh. I've no idea of the title, by the way. But yah, I'm hooked on The Vampires' Diaries very very badly. Ah, it's always ADDICTIVE. 

Good night!

December 18, 2010



回到诗巫在戏院观看的第一步电影竟是一部本土并新加坡演员加持制作的片子,Lelio popo. 一直以来都觉得本地的电影很真诚,很赤纯,带着深深的感动。果然,不负众望,至少,不负我望,它再一次为本地电影画下新的乐章。重重的笑点当中,还不忘反映现今的生活,带出看似简易但却深沉的教导。原以为的笑片却让我带着哭肿的双眼离开戏院。

很谢谢当天随行的Akira, Andrew, Lawrence. 连日接踵的挑战真的让我有种莫名的喘不过气。当天的出游,无论如何,真的多少舒缓了紧绷的情绪。细细品茗着诗巫的风情,再一次的感受她的美,她那熟悉的味道,她的宁静,她的优雅。任凭夕阳的晚风吹打在脸上,毛孔呼吸到的不是如外地的沙土尘埃,而是那风中的自然芬芳。诗巫真的很美!

随着公公的逝世,似乎回到乡下陪伴婆婆的次数无形中增加了许多。似乎大家都意识到了子欲养而亲不在的意境。霎时,我好想念他。自有意识以来,第一次面对了至亲的死亡。或许,死亡并不是那么的可怕,离别才是难耐的一环。想起婆婆抓着我的手哭着说,mimi, 以后没有公公了。啊!为何离别是如此的残酷,如此的不解风情!






December 13, 2010





They are cute. Very cute. <3

December 7, 2010


This holidays. Things happened one after another. In an unexpected rate. Unexpected as in the fate of unacceptable. They were acceptable but a little bit more of time would really ease the stun. This holidays. I experienced one after another. With acceptance and belief. Acceptance of God's timing. Belief of God has His best plan in every accounts.

Cognition. At this age, I thought I have come to learn many knowledge and experiences. But in fact, there are so much more to explore and I am actually so minute in the whole wide world. It is just as if I am only the little dot which can hardly be seen even under a lens of high magnification power.

So many first times in the entire life experienced and to be experienced. The first time to witness a person breathing the last mouthfuls of air until the body finally ceased to gasp for air. Right under my eyes. Life could be so fragile. Death. Funeral. The first time I saw everyone shedding so much tears off. Inevitable sadness.

The first time I had spent so much time in hospital. Frankly, I used to have a not-so-good-feeling on hospital. I mean, it usually exhibits a sense of melancholy because it deals mostly with sickness. And I could really do nothing but express a deep sigh for the governmental hospital's service. It is life, you know, life? Yet they could just handle with it so briefly, carelessly. I really doubted the profession of doctor? And nurse? Not all of them, but most of them.

The first time taking boat from Sibu to Kuching, alone. Thank Rachel for the hosting. The first time taking Toefl (wouldn't want to have a second time though). The friggin' freakin' four hours. The one week at the west was spent shopping and watching movies like crazily. Spent so much that I'm somehow broke now. And the few movies. Harry Potter was as always, good. Rapunzel was sweet, lovely. The Next Three Days was cool and awesome! Anyways, thank Summer for the hosting for the week. Thank God for the safe journey. And of the utmost, got to go back to Eca for church services. Great. 

The first time I knew Airasia sucks to its very core. Ahh. The friggin' 40 bucks. The specific counters for the luggage-problems were full with people. Which actually means it was going to earn so much extra bucks! Wow, the bloody money sucker. 

And there it goes. Yesterday we were again bombarded by another tragic news. A relative's family was involved in an accident. Not a really close relative, I mean, kind of uh, far-related ones, but still, know them well and have met each other many times. The father was dead on the spot. The mother and the son are bruised and injured severely. And the other three daughters are injured a little bit. And you know what, they didn't do wrong or any sort of careless driving. There was this drunken man who caused the tragedy. They had seen this car moving unstably from the other direction and so they pulled to a side and stopped so as to prevent from knocking with the car. But the car hit on them. How cruel is the fact! Lord, please heal them. Physically, mentally. Lord, bless them with stable health and mental condition. Everything will be fine. 

With all things happened continuously, I had somehow neglected my application-essays. And the earliest deadline will be 15th December, which is soon and very soon. And I'm just halfway through the first essay. Oh, there are two essays required for that particular university. Uh huh. I'm gonna make it happen. Lord, bless me with abundant inspirations to present a special essay. Bless me with a very smooth application process. Amen.

After all, I'm once again reminded of the significance of family to me, myself, and I. I love them, each and every one of them. I want to really cherish every moment at home. Because I know too well how unwilling I'll be when I need to leave home. 

Life is a very beautiful lullaby.
With all kinds of expressions it may present. 
Worthy is the lullaby. Worthy is the life.