
October 29, 2011






Here in this power of Christ, I'll stand. --Chris Tomlin, In Christ Alone.

October 22, 2011

I am who I am.



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笑着哭 最痛
笑着笑 最美


October 14, 2011


Reality kicks in and says things otherwise. A lot of time. You see, sometime you think he/she is this person you come to really indulge, get along with. Because you could say it out loudly, patting on your flesh and heart that you deal things or treat this one being with whole lot of sincerity and honesty. But this saying goes, God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you the person you are meant to be. He/She hurts you, incorporating with betrayal, dishonesty. Such apparent dishonesty he/she thought you are dumb enough to not acknowledge it. You know. You don't want to point it out. For the good sake of this breakable knit. At least, you know you did your parts. You relentlessly work out the needs. Selflessly. Righteously. Sincerely. Honestly.

Life ain't easy. So much a pain you can't wander off. So much tough rocks lying on a smooth path and what you do is to take up these rocks before you can lead and step on a really smooth road. But rocks might hurt many a time. They really hurt. They hurt so much you say you don't want to continue picking up the rocks, you don't want to continue the path ahead, all you want is to turn back and hide in that cozy zone forever. That comfort zone with people who love you, support you, take care of you with a genuine sincerity, with an impeccable honesty. You miss these familiar people so much, you feel innocent so much and you start to walk on the road weeping like a mad as if the world has stopped rotating for you. But you soon figure out no, the world is not going to stop for you, just for you. Because everyone has their own life to lead, because everyone has their own problem to fret about. No one will always be reserved to listen to your tiny bits of unhappiness. You need to get rid of them by yourself. And from that, you start to grow. 

Yes. You can go ahead to take everything I have. You can go ahead to break everything I am. Like I am made of glass. Like I am made of paper. You can go ahead tearing me down. But mind you, I will be rising from the ground. Like a skyscraper.

Like a skyscraper!

October 9, 2011

Hypocrisy is a big no no. You just did it.

Other than that, all is well.

People said, angry is taking others' fault to make ourselves suffer. True. Very true. But this thing called emotion says it otherwise. I really don't like you. Never had in my life I dislike a person so much. So much that I don't anymore want to consider you as a friend. Because you literally don't deserve the term. No point to talk on this unhappiness. But please behave for your own good sake, for any sake it would be.

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在美国还是没改了爱看电影的爱好。一个星期内就看了两部电影。一部是Dolphin Tale,一部是Lion King。两部都是值得看看的作品。海豚的传说讲的是一只尾巴受了伤的海豚的故事。改编自真实故事,其实真的是一部很棒的电影。狮子王的故事是纯粹的拥有好多童年味道的一部巨作。即使是在动物的世界也是存在着正邪两方,也是存在着阿谀我咋。但是不管怎样,到了最后邪还是不能胜正的。好多感慨感动欣慰快乐深深的悸动留在心坎的最深处。




其实原理很简单。当问题来时,你就把你的背转向它,不要一昧的埋头在问题里,就这样头也不回的往另一个方向走。在难过的事情,就跟自己说Hakuna Matata。没有烦恼,自由自在的生活态度。

Hakuna Matata! 好好享受来临秋天的洗礼。因为秋天是一整年当中最后一个且最美丽的笑容。
Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile. -William Cullen Bryant.