
July 18, 2010

soup of love

So, the freshie day was done. The freshie day we had anticipated so much was done. Praise is to the almighty Lord! Hallelujah!

17th July 2010. It was a very beautiful morning. It was a very warm morning, which of course, warmth of the weather, and the utmost, warmth of people, love of people. It was indeed a very lovely morning.

Photographs were up to Facebook! Here's the link! And another album, here goes the link!

committee members


A morning to be remembered. A memory not to be forgotten. All those preparation, discussion, planning, practice were worth remembering. 

It's all because of love. God's love is just great. Power of love is amazing. Let the chain of love flow, through each and everyone of us. And that we'll see how love is going to bring transformation and revival!!

Not forgetting, again, thanks a million to all who directly or indirectly participated the event. Thanks to everyone who made to join. Thanks to all members and leaders. Thanks for all the prayers and concerns. Thanks to all the committee members. Thanks God for everything!! For we believe, without God's guiding and leading, the day wouldn't turn up to be what it was. Hallelujah Praise The Lord!!

LOVE is going to bring miracles!

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