
April 10, 2010


One of the most hectic week had come to an end. Another two weeks to the end of the semester. 

Reflected a lot tonight. Life is short. Lots of things were moving my heart, and that which come to several realizations, acknowledgments of certain things in my mind. Somehow, touched by some sincere friendships, touched by the sincerity in doing certain jobs, touched by close knits of relationships of family members, touched by parents' love, touched by friends' love, touched by God's love. 

Traced back to the Sunday, which was also known as the Easter day. The song which was sung by a sister moved my heart deeply, and I believe it did touch others' as well. It was 遇见神, by 张敬轩. How great and how beautiful is the LOVE! The Good Friday and the Easter day this year was a meaningful one. Realized a lot of things, and learned to appreciate more. Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul. Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole. Sometimes, He sends us pain so we can be strong. Sometimes, He sends us failure so we can be humble. Sometimes, He sends us illness so we can take better care of ourselves. Sometimes, He takes EVERYTHING away from us so we can learn the value of EVERYTHING we have.

Another day of chatting with a friend made me see the sincerity in a friendship. Friends are so much a precious and valuable, and priceless gift. I just couldn't deny how much friends mean to me. I remembered I told the friend, every friendship may, or will, sooner or later, face some challenges. It's like inevitable, as friendship, or any kind of relationship, grows because of challenges. When the time challenges come, it's the time when friends, together combat, and together overcome whatsoever they may be, and it's when a friendship grows even beautiful, because of the sincerity that friends have for the relationship. And, after all, the friendship is much more meaningful and much more been treasured. I didn't know whether or not I helped this friend, but I really do hope you can get through the problem. Do what you think is right, do whatever you think you should do. The result may turn out to be a bad one, but at least you had tried, and you wouldn't be regret in the later days. Pray fervently, as what I had told you. God has His plan in everything! Heee. Love ya!

Another days of participating school's activities, and that's what meant for the sincerity in accomplishing certain jobs. Shouted too much, indeed, throughout both of the events- Kopln Night, and Speech Night. I was, somehow, impressed. And I know coherently, and so do all of us know, those pieces of time we went through together got to be the memory which could not be forgotten and faded off for the rest of our life. Indeed-ly indeed, there were too much of memories for this particular Spring semester! This is especially dedicated to the 21 classmates for this special semester. You are AWESOME! I know right, time flew, so cruelly. Cherish the moments when we are still being together!

And the another day of talking in phone with my mum. And I cried. I know I failed. I hadn't cry for long already due to this so-called home-sicking. But, but, but, I didn't know why I couldn't control myself on that particular night. A lecturer once said about this: when you feel home-sicking, and when you really miss your family so badly, sometime, just bear with it, as the feeling will sooner or later be gotten rid of. This is instead of telling the family and letting them in fretting all the days. True. They have much more things to worry about, don't burden them up with some useless little things more. 

And I know, God's grace is enough for me to use! This was a busy week. But everything flows smoothly, with all of the scheduled tasks done. God is guiding, and He never leaves or abandons us. Just saw a short clip about Peter and Jesus. Yea, sometime, we may deny God just as what Peter did, but God never leaves us. There is indelible mark of the cross that He left in our heart. He loves us so much. We shall bear the cross for Him! No matter how bad the situation may be, don't stray away from Him, as He is always there. He is always there for us, for you, and me!

And yea, week 14, it was a fruitful week, in spite of the hectic-ness it had.

Night! God bless you!

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